[MonoDevelop] Suggestion for Long-Term Development of MD

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 12:44:25 EST 2007

On Nov 15, 2007 12:02 PM, Thomas Hansen <thomas at frostinnovation.no> wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2007 5:34 PM, Jacek Ruzyczka <ruzyczka at versanet.de> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I've made substantial advancements with my ERP project developed with MD,
> but
> > for future versions, may I make you some suggestions:
> >
> > * Create and integrate some more "high-level" widgets like a spreadsheet
> > widget (I'm currently developing one, but it looks rather primitive) or a
> > bar-graph widget.
> However this question is probably more likely to get intelligent answer on
> any of the "Mono" lists and not on the IDE list. ;)
> Still it's probably more of a job for a 3rd Party SW Vendor than of the
> "core Mono" development team...

The Mono Project website lists many libraries
(http://www.mono-project.com/Libraries) that work with Mono. However,
reusable widgets are difficult to design without strong use cases and
known consumers, so I agree with Thomas that they are best "spun out"
of existing projects (MonoDevelop and Banshee contain a few) or
developed by a third party with a specific plan to drive adoption.

Databinding's different, as it's usually quite core to a GUI
framework. However, though many ideas for GTK# databinding have been
thrown around, there are many known "models" of databinding and it's
unclear which would be most useful. We also don't have any strong use
cases from interested developers.

Michael Hutchinson

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