[MonoDevelop] SourceEditorDisplayBinding.patch

James Fitzsimons james.fitzsimons at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 18:50:02 EDT 2007

Hi Lluis,

Thanks for trying the patch out again! I've been attempting to fix these
issues this weekend.

I've fixed the problems with files containing delegates and adding
delegates to a file.

I have also fixed the problem with opening a file that contains valid
parse info but no class (such as an AssemblyInfo.cs). It now only shows
the browser bar if there is at least one IClass in the parse info.

I'm not sure what to do about the combo size if you have a method with
lots of parameters. I haven't done much GTK/# stuff so would really
appreciate any suggestions on how to tackle that.

I've written the code to update the combos while moving through the
file, but I am having trouble finding an event to drive it. I've tried
the Editors KeyPress event but it doesn't seem to fire. Any suggestions?

Thanks and regards,

On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 22:51 +0100, Lluis Sanchez wrote: 
> Hi!
> I tried your patch and I found some issues:
>       * It crashes when opening a file which defines a delegate.
>       * It also crashes if you add a delegate to a file.
>       * I got an exception trying to open an AssemblyInfo.cs file (maybe
>         because there isn't any class?).
>       * If a member is very long (e.g. a method with lots of
>         parameters), the combo grows beyond the screen.
>       * The combos are not updated when moving from method to method in
>         the editor.
> Lluis.
> El ds 03 de 03 del 2007 a les 17:07 +0000, en/na James Fitzsimons va
> escriure:
> > Hi Lluis and list,
> > 
> > I've been using Monodevelop quite a lot recently and decided to revive
> > this patch I never quite finished last year.
> > 
> > Lluis, I think I have addressed all the issues you mentioned last time
> > now. I've been using it a little this afternoon and it seems to be
> > working pretty well.
> > 
> > Hopefully this time we'll get it committed!
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > James
> > 
> > On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 13:19 +0200, Lluis Sanchez wrote:
> > > El ds 12 de 08 del 2006 a les 20:02 +0100, en/na James Fitzsimons va
> > > escriure:
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > Work commitments and a busy summer has kept me from finishing this but I
> > > > have a new version ready.
> > > 
> > > The patch looks great!
> > > I had some crashes though, when trying to open a file not belonging to a
> > > project, or when opening a nemerle file.
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > >       * It would be nice to add an option to the editor configuration
> > > > >         panel to enable/disable the class bar.
> > > > This one is done, not sure if it is the best place but you can turn the
> > > > class bar on and off on the behaviour tab of the text editor properties.
> > > 
> > > Maybe a better place is the General section. Behavior is more for the
> > > text editing behavior.
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > >       * It would be nice to always show in the method combo the method
> > > > >         on which the editor cursor is positioned.
> > > > I spent some time looking into this one. I thought it would be easy but 
> > > > unfortunately I am struggling to find a way to figure out what method the
> > > > cursor is currently in. As I probably won't have much time to work on
> > > > this in the immediate future I've added it to my TODO list and thought
> > > > I'd submit a patch without it. Better to have some features than none at
> > > > all right!
> > > 
> > > It's easy. Each method has a body region, so you only need to loop
> > > through all methods and find the one which contains the cursor position.
> > > 
> > > Lluis.
> > > 
> > > 
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