[MonoDevelop] Mono.Data.Sql - remove refereces to data providers and use Mono.Data.ProviderFactory

Christian Hergert christian.hergert at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 14:25:30 EST 2007

dan, got this working locally, let me send you a patch to check out.

-- Christian

On 1/5/07, Daniel Morgan <monodanmorg at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello Christian,
> I'm bringing up an old email on the monodevelop-list
> about removing references to the data providers.  Are
> you or is someone working on this?  If not, I would
> like to continue on this and hopefully get it into svn
> before MonoDevelop 1.0.
> http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/monodevelop-list/2006-February/003281.html
> I do want to make Mono.Data.Sql as the basis for a
> future of sqlsharpgtk.  Also other database tools that
> run on Mono/gtk# such as a Table Builder that you
> mentioned but also a Table Exporter Assistant.
> And if Mono.Data.Sql is built with the 2.0 profile and
> a data provider supports ADO.NET 2.0 features such as
> GetSchema, then we could use this via compiler #if. I
> say this because I would like to maintain
> compatibility with the 1.1 profile for awhile.
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