[MonoDevelop] nunit - problem opening test dll

berni x mitterau at web.de
Sun Apr 29 13:39:20 EDT 2007


I compiled mono with
cd trunk/mono/
sudo make install

Then i compiled the Tests with
cd /home/berni/Desktop/projekte/monowinforms/trunk/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/
make test PROFILE=net_2_0

then i tried to open the resulting System.Windows.Forms_test_net_2_0.dll with nunit-console, but i get:

$ nunit-console System.Windows.Forms_test_net_2_0.dll
Corlib not in sync with this runtime: expected corlib version 54, found 56.
Download a newer corlib or a newer runtime at http://www.go-mono.com/daily.

do i have to recompile nunit ?
I also can't run or compile monodevelop (from svn) anymore
think make install was a bad idea

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