[MonoDevelop] Monodevelop-list Digest, Vol 17, Issue 26

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 20:27:14 EDT 2006

On 9/14/06, J Macaroni <jon.macaroni at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just subscibed to this list and I like this Mono idea. I managed to make
> it compile from the command line but I cannot for the world of me get the
> monodevelop to run. I am using Suse 10.1 and did all the updates with Yast
> and even added the mono website as the source and performed the updates. Any
> ideas would be appreciated to get the application working:

There's a GTK theme that uses QT to draw the widgets (for
consistency). The QT warnings are probably from that, and as long as
there are only warnings, it's most likely harmless.

The error with the boo binding should not be fatal, and while running
as root is *really* not a good idea, it's also not the cause of this

The actual issue appears to be with the Mono remoting layer. I recall
having had similar bugs in the past caused by unstable versions of MD
or the Mono runtime, but I imagine it could easily be caused by parts
of the OS too. This kind of thing should not happen with stable
versions, so it's probably a misconfiguration or an old file

I'm afraid I don't now enough about either remoting or SUSE to help
properly, but it's probably worth trying to reinstall both Mono and
MD, maybe cleaning out /usr/lib/monodevelop to make sure no stray
stuff is left behind.

Michael Hutchinson

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