[MonoDevelop] Process for Monodevelop on Win32

Levi Bard taktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktak at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 10:39:23 EDT 2006

> Is there any particular version of cygwin that must be used?  I have seen an
> article
> (http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2005/02/07/monowindows.html?page=1) which
> suggests that later versions (after 1.5.7-1) have Gnome components which
> conflict with Mono.  Is this advice out of date now, so that the latest 1.5.20-1
> cygwin can be used?

I'm using the latest version afaik.  The GNOME components being used
aren't part of cygwin at all, but native win32 libraries, as Dan

> And how much of cygwin is needed for the monodevelop build?

The base install + patch and make ought to do it.

Tcsh: Now with higher FPS!

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