[MonoDevelop] Planning MonoDevelop 1.0

Lluis Sanchez lluis at ximian.com
Tue Nov 28 08:24:01 EST 2006

El dg 26 de 11 del 2006 a les 17:14 -0500, en/na Miguel de Icaza va
> Hello,
> >       * Documentation browser: The Monodoc integration more or less
> >         works, but there are some known crashes. However I still believe
> >         that showing Monodoc in an external window would be more
> >         practical that the current integrated view. The integrated
> >         documentation tree is not really useful, we don't have search or
> >         an index integrated.
> I find that the tooltips with documentation are liked by everyone, it
> would be a shame to miss that.

No problem about that. I'm talking about taking out the documentation
browser, not the documentation itself.

> >       * Welcome page: It looks ok to me.
> I would add an iframe that renders the latest news from the Mono and
> MonoDevelop projects.  Maybe it should render a special RSS feed
> specific for MonoDevelop, so we can push content there that matters to
> MonoDevelop users (articles, releases, etc).

Yep, that would be nice.

> >       * Web references: I'd like to integrate the web references add-in
> >         implemented by Gideon de Swardt. The only problem I see is that
> >         it only supports .NET 2.0 projects. It would be nice to make it
> >         work for 1.1 as well.
> Agreed.
> >       * Xml editor: It's being maintained outside of MD, so nothing to
> >         add. Just to make sure it works when we release 1.0.
> Where do we get this?   Never seen it.

It can be downloaded from the add-in repository.

> >       * VB.NET: I don't think there is support for generics. We may want
> >         to migrate to the new VB compiler.
> It might be too early, considering your timeline.
> Miguel

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