[MonoDevelop] Moving to 2.0

Alejandro Serrano trupill at yahoo.es
Mon May 22 15:16:34 EDT 2006

Lluis Sanchez escribió:
> Hi all
> I just changed the compilation configuration of MD and now it is being
> built with gmcs. This change is needed to be able to reuse some of the
> code from SharpDevelop 2.0, and will allow us to use nice 2.0 features.
> In fact, I just committed NRefactory into MD's svn and made the
> necessary changes to our c# binding, so now MD can properly parse C# 2.0
> source code files.
> If you find any issue after this change, please let me know. We need to
> do a good testing before the next release, since this is an important
> change.
"make install" does not copy NRefactory.dll to any folder not installs
it to the GAC. I've workarounded it by copying to
prefix/lib/monodevelop/bin, but it should work, but make should do it.
> Enjoy,
> Lluis.
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