[MonoDevelop] Skeleton Translation Plugin

Rafael Teixeira monoman at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 10:22:00 EDT 2006

Hi Miguel,

That is exactly my thinking on the subject.

That is the only way we can "run" the application in MD (that runs it
where it was just compiled, without deploying it) with full access to
any translation. I will probably add a project option to set the
"default" language to run the app, as well as a "run with another
language..." menu item.

For Autotools integration I hope to cook corrected scripts to make
target "install" follow our relocatable guidelines. Probably some
magic foo to adjust the bindir/libdir/*dir family of environment
variables, used by the autotools, in the autogen.sh script.

Please point out any misconceptions I may be building up, as I am
learning most of it just now ...


On 6/27/06, Miguel de Icaza <miguel at ximian.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> > It would be nice to create some integration between this and the
> > autotools addin so that all the neccessary files get distributed.
> This is one of the topics that I was discussing with Lluis this weekend,
> and wanted to share this with the list.
> It deals with internationalization and the effect it has on deploying
> the software.
> One of the things that we tried to do with the "Application Deployment
> Guidelines":
>         http://www.mono-project.com/Guidelines:Application_Deployment
> Was to allow applications to be relocatable;
> Autoconf/automake today are mostly designed to use the regular Unix
> style of deployment where the various application files are scattered on
> the file system (binaries in $prefix/bin, libraries in $prefix/lib, data
> in $prefix/something else).
> With the application deployment guidelines, we suggest that you use:
>         $prefix/bin/script      <- Only one script!
>         $prefix/lib/NAME/       <- everything goes here.
> But read the rest for the details.
> The point is that the only piece that is not relocatable is the startup
> script.  With this in mind, what we need to ensure is that applications
> do not hardcode the $prefix/share/locale/XX as the directory that is
> used for looking up translations.
> We should make the Catalog.Init call in Mono.Unix to be relative to the
> "assembly" directory:
>         Catalog.Init ("package", Path.GetDirectoryName
>                  (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase) + "locale")
> This allows the locale information to be relative to the
> prefix/lib/NAME/locale directory.
> Miguel.

Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw

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