[MonoDevelop] Code completion, code folding and regions

Levi Bard taktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktaktak at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 11:19:52 EDT 2006

> The last option sounds the best to me.  How much performance does an
> editor really need?  Have you ever used some of the big and bloated Java
> IDEs?  Some of them can be dog slow.

That doesn't mean we want MD to emulate that behavior.  One of the
most frequent complaints (I've seen) about VS2005 is that it's dog
slow.  I've seen it regularly take >3seconds to pop the code
completion list, which is completely unacceptable.

> I would think as long as you can
> type in real-time and get code completion between 250-500 milliseconds,
> it would be perfectly usable.

The thing about that is that 250-500ms "normally" means 2.5-5s on a
slow machine or a machine under load.

> The only major requirement IMO is that
> the highlighting happen automagically.  I remember using the Bluefish
> editor once, just once.  There is an option under the Document menu
> titled "Update Highlighting" (or press F5).  Having to manually update
> syntax highlighting is a pretty poor implementation IMO.  I never have
> to manually update syntax highlighting in vim.

MD uses the built-in highlighting from GTK's source view control.  The
fact that you manually have to update anything is an indication of
your distribution packaging gtksourceview pretty poorly, and not an
issue with MD.

Tcsh: Now with higher FPS!

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