[MonoDevelop] Code completion, code folding and regions

John Luke john.luke at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 11:16:54 EDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 10:12 -0400, JimD wrote:
> > As I can remember some talk about possible implementations took place
> > some time ago, but the biggest question was if we should wait for some
> > support for it in the underlying native GTK widget for the editor
> > (probably achieving the best performance, but also building a strong
> > dependency hell) , trying to superimpose some managed implementation
> > of it on the widget wrapper (perhaps not feasible), or reimplementing
> > the editor as a fully (or nearly) managed widget (lots of work and
> > some performance BIG unknowns). No decision taken so far, AFAIK.
> The last option sounds the best to me.  How much performance does an
> editor really need?  Have you ever used some of the big and bloated Java
> IDEs?  Some of them can be dog slow.  I would think as long as you can
> type in real-time and get code completion between 250-500 milliseconds,
> it would be perfectly usable.  The only major requirement IMO is that
> the highlighting happen automagically.  I remember using the Bluefish
> editor once, just once.  There is an option under the Document menu
> titled "Update Highlighting" (or press F5).  Having to manually update
> syntax highlighting is a pretty poor implementation IMO.  I never have
> to manually update syntax highlighting in vim.

We had a (too hasty?) port of the SharpDevelop editor a _long_ time ago
that had some performance issues (mostly with large files).  In my
opinion, it would be nice if someone tries to port it over again.  At
the very least it would probably be fun and you will learn a lot about
gtk+ and gtk#.

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