[MonoDevelop] XML Editor

Matt Ward ward.matt at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 07:38:26 EST 2006


Is anybody working on an XML Editor for MonoDevelop?

I spent a bit of time porting over the XML Editor that I previously
implemented for SharpDevelop, mainly for my own interest.  It's about
90% complete and works with MonoDevelop from the repository (revision


1) Element, attribute, attribute value and namespace auto-completion
for configured schemas.
2) XML validation against a schema.
3) XML formatting (pretty printing).
4) Inferring a schema given an xml document.
5) Automatic end element completion.
6) Schema configuration
       a) User can add new schemas.
       b) User can specify a default schema to be associated with a
particular file extension.

Missing Features:

Running XSL transforms.
Searching - not currently implemented.
Displaying the schema annotation.


1) A few of the unit tests for the xml completion are broken under
Mono.  There seem to be some differences between Mono's XmlSchema
classes and Microsoft's which I have not yet resolved.
2) Code duplication - some of the code is taken directly from the
MonoDevelop.SourceEditor classes.
3) Contains a slightly modified version of the CompletionListWindow.
The version with MonoDevelop relies on the CodeCompletionData class. 
The modified version changes the width of the list window when
displaying namespaces.  This width is hard coded, ideally the list
should expand to fit the list items.
4) Does not work with MonoDevelop 0.9 - uses the insertbefore
attribute so the xml editor display binding is queried before the
normal text editor's display binding when opening a file.

If there is any interest, I'll look at finishing it off and making the
source code available, probably on SourceForge.



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