[MonoDevelop] UML docs on VersionControl

Joshua Tauberer tauberer at for.net
Sat Jul 9 14:12:49 EDT 2005

Nifty, Daniel.  I've never had anyone UML diagram my classes before. :)

You should keep in mind that there are basically three levels to the 
library, and a user of the library probably is going to be only 
interested in one.

At the top level is the VersionControlSystem class, abstracting over the 
different types of version control.  There's not much to diagram here, 
although an explanation of what the related classes are supposed to 
represent is in order.  Users of the library should be looking at this 
class and the related classes in VersionControl.cs, and they don't 
really need to know about the others.

At the middle level is SubversionVersionControl, the implementation of 
VersionControlSystem for Subversion.  Only library hackers should ever 
care (or know) about this class.

At the lowest level there is the SvnClient class that very simply wraps 
the p/invoke library calls to the Subversion API.   In principle, no one 
should ever use this class (and the classes defined in it) because it's 
merely there to support the middle level.  Again, the only people that 
need to know about the class are library hackers specifically working on 
improving Subversion support.

So, my suggestion would be to not UML all of the classes together.

But if you have any questions about how anything in the library works, 
drop me an email.

- Joshua Tauberer


** Nothing Unreal Exists **

Daniel J. Lauk wrote:
> Hi.
> As some of you know, I'm working a little on VersionControl.
> To get started I'm doing some documentation (UML diagrams) and I wanted 
> to know: Are those any good to others?
> I'd like to hear your opinion, and I have not got much so far, but 
> please tell me if this is of any use.
> You can view them at:
> http://userserv.fh-reutlingen.de/~lauk/?MonoDevelop:VersionControl_%28Docs%29 
> I know, it is *very* high level at the moment, but I just started.
> Best regards,
> DJ (aka Threepio, aka Bujin)
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