[MonoDevelop] "System.Net not found" using monodevelop

enzo enzo.arlati at libero.it
Fri Dec 9 17:54:32 EST 2005

Peter Johanson wrote:

>System.dll is not implicitly added as a reference in monodevelop, but it
>is when using mcs on the command line. The change was discussed on the
>list a while back if you want to search the archives. Explicitly add a
>reference to System in the project references and this should compile
Thank for the replay ( both you and Rodolfo ) but I'm a very new 
beginner with mono and c# development, so I'm sorry but I have to ask 
also what to do to add such a reference.
I suppose it should be a statement to add inside the code but I didn't 
found how do that.
Can you give me more details on that ?
regards, Enzo

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