[MonoDevelop] Database Browser

Daniel Morgan monodanmorg at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 23 11:18:15 EDT 2005

MonoQuery is in heavy development right now.  Chris was talking about how MonoDevelop has the ability to access these databases now.  Beforehand, you could only connect to PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQL Lite.
Since you have the ability to build MonoDevelop from svn, can you add this to SqlDbProvider.cs ?
In function SupportsSchemaType, add the following:
else if (type == typeof(ColumnSchema))
        return true;
Rebuild MonoDevelop.  You be able to see the columns now.
I have a shameless plug to add:  you can access SQL Server using SQL# For GTK#.
It works on Windows and Linux.  Hopefully, one day, someone will step up and get MonoDevelop working on Windows.  However, this can work for you in the meantime.
Have you heard of the Google Summer of code contest?  Well, there is someone working on an ASP.NET editor.
Patrick Barry <DrPatrickBarry at gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry if this is a stupid question but
What does the Database Browser do?
I can use it to connect to a sql server database and I can drill down to 
view my tables but that's it. I can't see the columns, triggers, etc.
None of the other options work i.e. Stored Procedures, etc. Is my setup 
incorrect or is it a case of unfinished functionality.

Likewise with SQL Definition, I get a white box and I have no idea what 
it is for

On the positive I have been using MD for the past month on a commercial 
Website running on a Windoze 2000 box and it has been great, well done 
to everybody concerned.

I am using Kdevelop to handcode the ASP.net pages (it is nice to have 
the color highlighting, is there anything for Linux that would have an 
understanding of the ASP.net Web Components?

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