[MonoDevelop] Configuring AddIns?

John Luke John Luke <john.luke@gmail.com>
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:54:49 -0400


With most AddIns they will have an assembly (.dll) and an .addin.xml
file that need to be placed where MonoDevelop looks for addins.  This
depends on whether you are using make run, or monodevelop to launch
the app.  For the ones you mentioned, they should go to
$MonodevelopRoot/AddIns/.  But like Todd said, none are finished and
may not do anything useful.

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 15:32:39 -0700, Todd Berman <tberman@off.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 17:13 -0500, Benjamin Joldersma wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > First off, I want to say thanks so much for all the hard work.  I've
> > been following the progress since around January or so, and it's really
> > exciting to see this project maturing.
> >
> > Not until now, unfortunately, have I made the time to (re)install linux
> > (gentoo), and get mono running (again).  I've gotten the latest version
> > of MonoDevelop from svn, and now I am wondering: how do I install the
> > addins?  I want to see whats going on with this thing!  The Debugger
> > especially, but lots of other folders sound interesting: AddInManager,
> > AssemblyAnalyzer, StartPage, Nunit, etc.
> Those are all works-in-progress, and they arent enabled because they
> arent useful/finished/or working.
> Enabling them is different for each one.