[MonoDevelop] Using java (ikvm) with monodevelop

John Luke jluke@users.sourceforge.net
Mon, 24 May 2004 19:05:17 -0400

Uwe Fechner wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to use ikvm with monodevelop, but did not succeed yet.
> I followed the instuctions given here:
> http://advogato.org/person/jluke/diary.html?start=5
> My ikvm script looks like this:
> mono /usr/local/bin/ikvm.exe $@
> This doesn't work.
> If I try to compile the hello world example, I get the message:
> Title:
> ikvm -classpath application;read -p 'press any key to continue'
> Content:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> usage: ikvm [-options] <class> [args...]
>          (to execute a class)
>    or ikvm -jar [-options] <jarfile> [args...]
>          (to execute a jar file)
> where options include:
>    -? -help          display this message
>    -cp -classpath <directories and zip/jar files separated by :>
>                      set search path for application classes and 
> resources
>    -D<name>=<value>  set a system property
>    -Xsave            save the generated assembly (for debugging)
>    -Xtime            time the execution
>    -Xbootclasspath:<directories and zip/jar files separated by :>
>                      set search path for bootstrap classes and resources
>    -Xtrace:<string>  Displays all tracepoints with the given name
>    -Xmethodtrace:<string>  Builds method trace into the specified 
> output methods
>    -Xwait            Keep process hanging around after exit
> press any key to continue...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Using gentoo linux, monodevelop 0.3 from gentoo ebuilds.
> The java code:
> /*
> * application.java
> *
> * created on 05/12/2004 at 07:50
> */
> public class application {
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>        System.out.println("Hello, World!");
>    }
> }
> I put the .exe files from ikvm into /usr/local/bin and the *.dll files 
> into /usr/lib.
> Any ideas?
> Uwe Fechner 

A few things you will want to check:
1. Does compiling and running from the commandline work?
2. You might need to edit the classpath in the project options
3. Do C# projects work ok?