[MonoDevelop] Changelogging rules

Todd Berman tberman@sevenl.net
Sun, 21 Mar 2004 00:52:25 -0500

Ok, I know we instituted changelogs a while ago, and i know 99% of you
are using them correctly (in fact, im the bad kid... again.. :) ).

However, from here on, you *need* to be using them, me included, and we
are moving to one ChangeLog in the base dir of every assembly we compile
to make writing them a bit easier, and tracking the changes on a per
assembly level easier.

For people looking to contribute, Please supply a changelog when you
submit a patch with all the relevant info, we want you guys getting
proper recognition! :)

Oh, and hopefully soon we will finally cure the evil that ails us (no
anonymous access).
