[MonoDevelop] Licensing concerns.

Jonathan Wheelhouse wheelhouse@pacific.net.au
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 21:39:21 +1000

Christoph Wille <christophw@alphasierrapapa.com>:
> At 08:36 AM 7/16/2004, Todd Berman wrote:
> >On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 08:37 +0200, Christoph Wille wrote:
> >> Asking for clarifications by the FSF is "in bad taste"? If you are more
> >> competent in (GPL) licensing issues than the FSF, so be it. But we will
> >> publish their findings here once we receive them.
> >>
> >
> >Their view on the GPL is biased (as is mine), however the GPL is a legal
> >document, whose merits can only be ruled on by a judge, which the FSF is
> >not.
> >
> >I will politely request that unless someone on this list is interested
> >in what the FSF has to say, if you could please post their
> >response/findings somewhere else, as I feel this list has seen enough of
> >this discussion. That said, I would personally love to read the FSF
> >response, so when you get it, please do forward it to my personal
> >mailbox.
> If Open Source projects themselves do not accept the FSF as authoritative 
> in GPL issues, how do you expect anybody to take the FSF seriously? (you 
> pretty much gave every closed source developer a great argument)  Anyways, 
> I will post the reponse somewhere else as requested.

I'm just an interested bystander (a programmer and recently user of
MonoDevelop) but please I would like to see the FSF's response.
Perhaps some other people would too?

If you could post a URL or email me privately that would be great.

Frankly, I don't see what's wrong with posting the FSF's response
here; this is where it belongs.  Those that don't want to read it
don't have to.  But anyway just as long as I can see it somewhere.

ps. I like MonoDevelop; keep up the good work!