[MonoDevelop] Anonymous SVN Mirror

Todd Berman tberman@gentoo.org
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 12:27:36 -0500

The anonymous mirror is up at:


I recommend downloading 0.36 and running the following command to

svn co svn://

this will create a MonoDevelop folder underneath the current directory.

To build MonoDevelop you will need mono from cvs, and gtk-sharp from
cvs. You can get more info http://www.go-mono.com on installing mono/mcs
from cvs.

You will also need gtkmozembed-sharp. This is contained inside our
repository, and is built using a standard autogen / make / make install.
Your prefix should be the same as your gtk-sharp prefix (ie, if
gtk-sharp.dll is at /usr/lib/gtk-sharp.dll use /usr as your prefix for

After installing gtkmozembed-sharp you can make MD with a standard make
command, followed by ./monodevelop.

Happy Hacking :)
