[MonoDevelop] Addins for MonoDevelop 0.50

Alexandre Gomes alexmipego@hotmail.com
Fri, 31 Dec 2004 13:02:06 +0000

On Wed, 2004-12-29 at 22:47 -0600, Jose Cornado wrote:
> 1) The most logical place to call this looks:
> MonoDevelop.Services.DefaultProjectService.AfterCompile(...)
> But I do not want to modify MonoDevelop. Is there an equivalent of
> "onBuildDone" event to register with as VS .Net has?

AS todd said we recommend you to use the svn version.
Also, I share the same problem, I develop Addins that should not modify
Yet, you should keep in mind this, when you find that an event is not
there, and should be, you patch MD and submit the patch as a bug.
This way another people, in the future, that would need that event would
have it implemented.
Keep in mind that due to the open-source nature of MD you can develop
addins yet you can/should take advantage of having the source - unless
it is something specific only to your addin like, "myaddinstarted".

Alexandre Miguel Pedro Gomes,