[MonoDevelop] Package content

Todd Berman tberman@off.net
Thu, 05 Aug 2004 22:01:03 -0400

On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 11:03 +1000, Nik Derewianka wrote:
> >I agree Stephen.
> >if i want to install a web server (xsp/mono) i don't need gtk# that
> >depends of gtk that depends of ......
> >
> >
> >On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 12:45, Stephen Roller wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>I disagree.  There _should_ be 40 different packages to install mono. 
> >>Most of them are entirely seperate projects.  I want Mono and XSP/mod_mono
> >>on my server. I don't want GTK#.
> >>
> >>I think it boils down to what feels normal on that operating system.  It
> >>is quite common for a one-installs-all program in Windows.  In Linux,
> >>things considered separate projects are packaged that way.
> >>
> >>Just my observation/opinion.  I'm sure people will consider moving the
> >>entire Mono suite into one package.
> >>    
> >>
> Just because a systems philosophy is to have small discreet programs 
> doesnt mean that you have to foist the ugly aspects of this on the users 
> (dependancy hell and chasing down the components).
> A really simple installer that has checkboxes for what you wish to 
> install will suffice.  The installer should then be able to 
> intelligently handle the dependancies of that choice without the user 
> having to know about it.  The cygwin installer would have to be one of 
> the better ones i have seen.

Its called red-carpet

> The biggest thing i have noticed coming from windows to linux is the 
> PHENOMENAL amount of questions from seasoned intelligent computer users 
> that have problems installing software.  The installer should be a 
> fundamental part of the build process, it should be working with the 
> nightly builds.

Again, use red-carpet to install software. People who are 'seasoned
intelligent computer users' seem to think that they can do everything.
Hey, I know how to drive my car, but you won't see me working under the
hood. And by the same token, I sure as hell won't get in the car my
mechanic is driving.

> Having said that - if anyone can show me how to get monodevelop working 
> on windows and/or osx, then i am quite happy to create and maintain 
> installers for them.

It doesnt work on windows, and works poorly on osx.
