[Mono-winforms-list] DirectorySeperatorChar ins ResXFiles.

Valentin Sawadski valentin.sawadski at gmx.de
Tue Aug 21 09:14:59 EDT 2007

Hello again,

I forgot in my previous submission to check if we are running on Unix.
Attached path corrects this.

However, I'm still not sure if this is the right way to go, so please
feel free to tell your two cents on this.

Kind Regards,

On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 22:35 +0200, Valentin Sawadski wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've now come across an issue where resgen2 could not convert a *.resx
> file to a *.resources file.
> The problem is that the file has been originally written in windows and
> uses an external file reference like "..\somedir\somefile", which causes
> a FileNotFoundException in ResXFileRef.cs on line 81 because the given
> path is directly used in that filestream.
> Attached is a short hack which fixes this error but I'm not familiar
> with how these *.resx paths should be handled in general, so please feel
> free to comment on it.
> Kind Regards,
> Valentin S.
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