[Mono-winforms-list] DirectorySeperatorChar ins ResXFiles.

Valentin Sawadski valentin.sawadski at gmx.de
Mon Aug 20 16:35:48 EDT 2007

Hello all,

I've now come across an issue where resgen2 could not convert a *.resx
file to a *.resources file.

The problem is that the file has been originally written in windows and
uses an external file reference like "..\somedir\somefile", which causes
a FileNotFoundException in ResXFileRef.cs on line 81 because the given
path is directly used in that filestream.

Attached is a short hack which fixes this error but I'm not familiar
with how these *.resx paths should be handled in general, so please feel
free to comment on it.

Kind Regards,
Valentin S.
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