[Mono-winforms-list] System.Windows.Forms Themeing

Everaldo Canuto everaldo_canuto@yahoo.com.br
Mon, 13 Sep 2004 12:07:29 -0300 (ART)


I start the implementation of QT theme for SWF but I
have a big problem... Mono do not call C++ librarys
and QT has writen in C++.

I can write a C wrapper but is dificult to mantain C
wrappers on Mono repository. 

What they think of this?

Sorry by my english!
Everaldo Canuto

 --- Jordi Mas <jordi@ximian.com> escreveu: 
> El divendres 10 de setembre del 2004 a les 12:29
> -0300, en/na Everaldo
> Canuto va escriure:
> > > >Tomorrow I start a working to create a QT-KDE
> > > theme. I
> > > >think that I need to create C wrapper to QT lib
> > > >because  all drawing functions of QT and KDE as
> > > >implemented in C++.
> > > >The creation of this wrapper is a problem?
> > > If you'd look at the gtk theme, you'd notice
> that it
> > > also calls into
> > > unmanaged code.
> > > 
> > > Peter
> > 
> > On the next days I report my progress to this
> list.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Everaldo Canuto
> You can look at the code of the GTK Theme. Basically
> deriving your class
> from the ThemeWin32Classic allows you to get all the
> default theme
> painting, and from there you can start to customise
> your look. There are
> two levels of themeing:
> - Basic  where you basically get the colours, fonts
> and other settings
> from the underlying system.
> - Advance, where you use the underlying system to
> draw the look of the
> controls.
> I'll suggest to start with the first approach.
> Jordi,
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> Mono-winforms-list maillist  - 
> Mono-winforms-list@lists.ximian.com

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