[Mono-winforms-list] Patch: CheckBox fixes (flatstyle and others)
John BouAntoun
Wed, 06 Oct 2004 20:53:03 +1000
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Hey guys,
Another patch from me, this one is for checkbox.
The following fixes are in this patch:
1) Fix CheckBox.Appearance setter (same as radio button)
2) Make background of checkbox be painted in window color
3) Draw flatstyle properly
4) Draw FlatStyle.Popup properly.
Note: The existing CheckBox rendering has some code to render pushed
state in it (with a hatched brush), but the checkbox should never
display the pushed state unless it's rendered as Appearance.Button, and
in that instance shouldn't the button handle the pushed state ?
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? CheckBoxFixes.patch
? Makefile.SWF
? Makefile.solution.SWF
? SWF.cmbx
? SWF.mdsx
? SWF.pidb
? SWF.prjx
? make.sh
Index: System.Windows.Forms/CheckBox.cs
RCS file: /cvs/public/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/CheckBox.cs,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -r1.7 CheckBox.cs
< value = appearance;
> appearance = value;
Index: System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs
RCS file: /cvs/public/mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ThemeWin32Classic.cs,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -r1.41 ThemeWin32Classic.cs
< if (checkbox.appearance!=Appearance.Button) {
< ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(dc, checkbox_rectangle, state);
> // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort
> if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup) {
> DrawFlatStyleCheckBox (dc, checkbox_rectangle, checkbox);
< ControlPaint.DrawButton(dc, text_rectangle, state);
> // render as per normal
> if (checkbox.appearance!=Appearance.Button) {
> ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(dc, checkbox_rectangle, state);
> } else {
> ControlPaint.DrawButton(dc, text_rectangle, state);
> }
> // win32 compat - win32 seems to give the text a slight (3px) offset when rendering
> Rectangle inner_text_rectangle = new Rectangle (text_rectangle.X + 3, text_rectangle.Y, Math.Max (text_rectangle.Width - 3, 0), text_rectangle.Height);
< dc.DrawString(checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, sb, text_rectangle, text_format);
> dc.DrawString(checkbox.Text, checkbox.Font, sb, inner_text_rectangle, text_format);
> // renders a checkBox with the Flat and Popup FlatStyle
> private void DrawFlatStyleCheckBox (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, CheckBox checkbox)
> {
> Pen pen;
> int lineWidth;
> Rectangle rect;
> int Scale;
> // most of this code has been copied over from DrawFrameControl and adapted to work flatstyle
> /* FIXME: I'm sure there's an easier way to calculate all this, but it should do for now */
> // fill in background color
> graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (SystemColors.Window),rectangle);
> // not sure what this is meant to do in the first place?
> /* Goes first, affects the background */
> /* if ((State & DrawFrameControlStates.Pushed)!=0) {
> HatchBrush hatchBrush=new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Percent50, SystemColors.ControlLight, SystemColors.ControlLightLight);
> graphics.FillRectangle(hatchBrush,rectangle);
> hatchBrush.Dispose();
> }
> */
> /* flat style part */
> if (checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat) {
> ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, rectangle, SystemColors.ControlText, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
> } else {
> // must be popup, so if entered draw bottom right of sunken effect
> if (checkbox.is_entered) {
> // draw bottom right side
> CPDrawBorder3D (graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.SunkenInner, Border3DSide.Bottom | Border3DSide.Right);
> // draw top left
> graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y+rectangle.Height);
> graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, Math.Max(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width - 1, 0), rectangle.Y);
> } else {
> // draw the outer border
> ControlPaint.DrawBorder(graphics, rectangle, SystemColors.ControlDark, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
> }
> }
> /* Make sure we've got at least a line width of 1 */
> lineWidth=Math.Max(3, rectangle.Width/6);
> Scale=Math.Max(1, rectangle.Width/12);
> rect=new Rectangle(rectangle.X+lineWidth, rectangle.Y+lineWidth, rectangle.Width-lineWidth*2, rectangle.Height-lineWidth*2);
> if (checkbox.Enabled) {
> pen=SystemPens.ControlDark;
> } else {
> pen=SystemPens.ControlText;
> }
> if (checkbox.Checked) {
> /* Need to draw a check-mark */
> for (int i=0; i<lineWidth; i++) {
> graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left+lineWidth/2, rect.Top+lineWidth+i, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+2*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth+2*Scale+i);
> graphics.DrawLine(pen, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+2*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth+2*Scale+i, rect.Left+lineWidth/2+6*Scale, rect.Top+lineWidth-2*Scale+i);
> }
> }
> }
> // fill in background color
> graphics.FillRectangle(ResPool.GetSolidBrush (SystemColors.Window),rectangle);