[Mono-ue] Anyone had any success with anything except Play In Editor?

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 16:54:09 UTC 2014

The issue seems to be the runtime error "Failed to create shadow copy"
error is preventing the new editor process from loading the dlls. I
have seen this a few times, but not consistently enough to be able to
debug it. It seems to be something to do with having multiple
processes. If anyone finds any clues as to how to reproduce it
reliably that would be really helpful.

You mentioned building the "Development Client" configuration. The
configurations in the Visual Studio solution map into
configuration/target pairs when it invokes the Unreal Build tool. The
first part is the configuration, the second part if the target - and
if there is not a second part, it is implicitly the "Game" target.

"Development" -> Config=Development, Target=UE4Game
"Development Editor" -> Config=Development, Target=UE4Editor
"Development Client" -> Config=Development, Target=UE4Client
"Development Server" -> Config=Development, Target=UE4Server

These all result in different sets of binaries.

The UE4Game binaries are the ones used when you "stage" a build using
the "File->Package Project" from the Unreal Editor. This should work
as long as you have built the Game target for the configuration you
package - we have implemented support for staging the Mono runtime and
assemblies into the game package.

We haven't yet tested the UE4Client/UE4Server targets, since setting
them up is somewhat more complex.

On 10 December 2014 at 06:50, M S <stick100 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> What do you mean stage a "Game" build?  Is that just using the "Launch"
> button or UEF to make a build?
> If I "debug" from XS I do not hit any break points.  It appears to have
> loaded an older version of the map.  I did find the line:
> PACKAGE="/Game/Maps/Example_Map" FILE="../../../../Unreal
> Projects/NewCodeFlying/Saved/Autosaves/Game/Maps/UEDPCExample_Map.umap"
> Appears in the output log of the Unreal Editor the second I debug from XS.
> In the XS output I have the following errors (that were highlighted in red):
> [2014.12.10-11.40.25:359][  0]MonoErrors: New page: Mono Runtime Errors
> [2014.12.10-11.40.25:892][  0]MonoErrors:Error: Error '../../../../Unreal
> Projects/NewCodeFlying/Binaries/MonoGameAssemblies/NewCodeFlyingMono.dll':
> System.ExecutionEngineException: Failed to create shadow copy (CopyFile).
>   at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.AppDomain:LoadAssembly
> (System.AppDomain,string,System.Security.Policy.Evidence,bool)
>   at System.AppDomain.Load (System.String assemblyString,
> System.Security.Policy.Evidence assemblySecurity, Boolean refonly) [0x00027]
> in /Users/michael/Mono/mono/mcs/class/corlib/System/AppDomain.cs:800
>   at System.AppDomain.Load (System.String assemblyString) [0x00000] in
> /Users/michael/Mono/mono/mcs/class/corlib/System/AppDomain.cs:781
>   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.AppDomain:Load (string)
>   at System.Reflection.Assembly.Load (System.String assemblyString)
> [0x00000] in
> /Users/michael/Mono/mono/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/Assembly.cs:541
>   at UnrealEngine.Runtime.Bindings.LoadAssembly (System.String assemblyName)
> [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
> [2014.12.10-11.40.28:541][  0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load
> /Script/NewCodeFlyingMono.TestActor Referenced by PersistentLevel
> [2014.12.10-11.40.28:541][  0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load
> /Script/NewCodeFlyingMono.TestActor Referenced by PersistentLevel
> I've attached the whole log from XS in the txt file.
>> From: m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
>> Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 14:58:20 -0500
>> To: stick100 at hotmail.com
>> CC: mono-ue at lists.ximian.com
>> Subject: Re: [Mono-ue] Anyone had any success with anything except Play In
>> Editor?
>> We've mainly been focused on the "Editor" build, the "Client"/"Server"
>> targets are not something we've tested. However, if you stage a "Game"
>> build that should work.
>> When debugging from Xamarin Studio, we actually instruct the editor to
>> start a new standalone process and connect the debugger to that, so it
>> shoudn't be affected by existing editor state. The log output of that
>> gets written to a log file and XS tries to read that into the
>> "Application Output" pad - do you see any errors there?
>> Sorry about Ludum Dare :/
>> - m
>> On 7 December 2014 at 15:48, M S <stick100 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > Has anyone had any success with anything except Play In Editor? I've
>> > built
>> > from 4.4 source several times with the patches probably spent around 10
>> > hours building/patching and the best I've ever gotten is a build that
>> > will
>> > take my scripts and not hot reload (but stop the session and apply).
>> > However if I debug from Xamarin Studio I don't hit breakpoints because
>> > something is causing an old map to be used (without the new test actor).
>> > I
>> > can see a line in the output log that says "Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE
>> > PACKAGE="/Game/Maps/Example_Map" FILE="../../../../Unreal
>> > Projects/NewCodeFlying/Saved/Autosaves/Game/Maps/UEDPCExample_Map.umap"
>> > SILENT=true AUTOSAVING=true KEEPDIRTY=true" when I debug from Xamarin
>> > studio. For some reason it want's to revert my save file.
>> >
>> > Best I've been able to do when hitting the "launch" button is that it
>> > will
>> > launch to a black screen and throw an assertion.
>> >
>> > Best I can do for building the "Development Client" is that I got it to
>> > launch with my map, but the Xamarin behavior is not acting (chair not
>> > spinning).
>> >
>> > TLDR: I can get Xamarin behavior working in the Editor Play Session but
>> > that's it so far.
>> >
>> > Has anyone actually gotten an independent .exe file with any Xamarin
>> > behavior to be built yet?
>> >
>> > I had hoped to build something for Ludum Dare but I've spent all weekend
>> > just trying to get a single .exe build with any kind of Xamarin
>> > behavior.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Mark Sebesta
>> >
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>> --
>> Michael Hutchinson ~ https://mhut.ch
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Michael Hutchinson ~ https://mhut.ch

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