[Mono-osx] Getting the ASP.NET Visual Designer to work within Monodevelop on Os X

Aaron Oneal aaron.oneal at spicypixel.com
Tue Dec 18 18:02:37 UTC 2012

These tools can be obtained using a package manager like Homebrew.


Install brew:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"

Install automake:
brew install automake

p.a.m.h wrote:
> ./autogen.sh: line 1: aclocal: command not found
> ./autogen.sh: line 2: automake: command not found
> ./autogen.sh: line 3: autoconf: command not found
> Isn't there a plain-plugin ready to add or a build of Monodevelop with the
> above compiled within?

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