[Mono-osx] Installing Docs

Matthew Hazlett hazlema at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 13:09:39 EST 2011

I am bran new to MonoMac, I installed MonoMac from a binary that didn't 
install the documentation into monodoc.  This took me a while to figure 
out how to install yesterday, so i'll share so you won't have the same 
headache.  I also haven't used *nix in years so my shell commands may be 
the long way around, but they still work :-)

    * Pull the latest and greatest MonoMac from GitHub

    * Extract this to a location of your liking.

    * Open up a terminal and go to that directory

    * Copy MonoMac.dll to that directory.  if you don't know where the
      dll is on your system, type the following command to find it.
      *sudo find -f / 2> /dev/null | grep -i monomac.dll$*

      /Mine is:

    * Now run:
      *mdoc update -o docs/en ./MonoMac.dll*

    * Three files should now be created in the docs directory called
      monodoc*, copy these files to
      *sudo find -f / 2> /dev/null | grep -i monodoc/sources$*

      /Mine is:

    * Last step is to rebuild the index / search.  Go to were monodoc lives
      *sudo find -f / 2> /dev/null | grep -i MonoDoc.app/Contents/MacOS$*
      Mine is:

    * Execute the following commands:
      *mono browser.exe --make-index
      mono browser.exe --make-search-index*

Hope this helps someone.
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