[Mono-osx] [MonoMac] NSTableViewBindings Sample

kjpou kjpou at pt.lu
Wed Nov 17 07:58:06 EST 2010

Hello everyone

Here is another sample that demonstrates binding setup through code.  
There were some changes that needed to be done within the maccore 
foundation.cs class which is provided as an attachment in diff form.  
Let me know if the definitions are in the wrong place and I will change 

The default implementation of the bindings for the sample application 
are made through code.  Please read the README.TXT file (also attached) 
for more information on setting up and testing through interface 
builder.  Within TestWindowController.cs file there are details of the 
binding settings through code as well as Interface Builder.

If you find any problems please let me know.



Sample Requirements
The supplied Mono Solution/Project demonstrates demonstrates controlling 
NSTableView with the following:

NSArrayController drives the content for each table column.
NSArrayController drives the table's current selection.
Provides table row double-click inspection.
Proper enabling/disabling of buttons based on the table's current selection.
NSArrayController drives the content of several NSTextFields based on 
the controller's selection.
Provides notification of table selection changes through the use of 

Using the Sample:

Build and run the sample solution provided with MonoDevelop.

Use the Add and Remove buttons (small square buttons marked with "+" and 
"-") to add and remove people from the table.
You can edit each person's info by changing the first, last, and phone 
text fields.
By double-clicking a row in the table can also alternately edit a given 
person through the use of a sheet window.

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