[Mono-osx] [MonoMac] NSDictionary missing FromObjectsAndKeys

kjpou kjpou at pt.lu
Wed Nov 17 01:36:52 EST 2010

Hello Miguel

In the latest maccore source from master the NSDictionary.cs is missing 
the following definitions:

I added them locally and NSDictionary FromObjectsAndKeys works with the 
change below:

         public static NSDictionary FromObjectsAndKeys (NSObject [] 
objects, NSObject [] keys)
             if (objects.Length != keys.Length)
                 throw new ArgumentException ("objects and keys arrays 
have different sizes");
             return FromObjectsAndKeysInternal (objects, keys);

         public static NSDictionary FromObjectsAndKeys (NSObject [] 
objects, NSObject [] keys, int count)
             if (objects.Length != keys.Length)
                 throw new ArgumentException ("objects and keys arrays 
have different sizes");
             if (count < 1 || objects.Length < count || keys.Length < count)
                 throw new ArgumentException ("count");

             return FromObjectsAndKeysInternal (objects, keys);


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