[Mono-osx] Mono development on OS X without a debugger? (was Re: Mono on Leopard)

Sean Hignett seanhig at geminibay.com
Mon Nov 12 14:47:27 EST 2007

the toolset is there - it just depends on your approach.

it is rare in building applications that a debugger proves more useful  
then good trace code.  It is really developer style.  A good trace log  
filter can work wonders in isolating your issues.  debugging can be a  
useful tool - but it isn't essential.  For years mono had no debugger  
on any platform - and somehow they managed to continue to write  
software (though I think they may have been using GDB).

I have found a debugger useful in writing eclipse plugins, mostly  
because I need to learn what is going on step by step in eclipse - but  
for general ASP.Net coding, a debugger is FAR less useful then  
log4net, imho.

java on osx is great... unless you are trying to develop a .NET  

On 12-Nov-07, at 12:26 PM, Liam Coughlin wrote:

> java on osx is a far FAR more viable alternative, if only in that
> it's supported by apple which has a vested interest, as opposed to
> mild academic interest, in making sure that the tooling and support
> is all present and accounted for.
> I don't really mean to sound like a troll, and I really am honestly
> interested in mono solutions on the mac, but the toolset isn't there,
> and isn't currently a priority for mono development.
> -Liam Seamus Coughlin
> On Nov 10, 2007, at 12:03 PM, Stephen Rylander wrote:
>> Indeed, that isn't what I expected. :)
>> Thank you for sharing.  The other comment about Log4Net I see could
>> accomplish the tracing aspect of the the application, but it's
>> still not
>> a debugger.  That's the only thing that keeps me Python on OS X and  
>> C#
>> on Windows.
>> But as Mono leadership has stated, their concern is
>> interoperability for
>> .NET on Linux.
>> Ed, out of curiosity, why not just java on OS X then?
>> Stephen
>> Edward J. Sabol wrote:
>>> Stephen Rylander asked:
>>>> Ed, I'm curious how you, or others, are making full use of Mono on
>>>> OS X without a debugger? I really want to use Mono more, being an
>>>> experienced C# developer, but the lack of a debugger freaks me out.
>>>> I'd really appreciate any and all thoughts on the subject.
>>> Stephen, I know it sounds archaic, but I basically just add a
>>> bunch of
>>> WriteLn's to the code until it works the way I expect. (Actually,
>>> I have a
>>> "Logger" class which facilitates this and writes the info to a log
>>> file if
>>> and only if debug mode is turned on.) As a long-time Web CGI and
>>> JavaScript
>>> developer, I guess I'm just kind of used to this method of
>>> debugging, so it
>>> doesn't bother me. I'm not sure I'd advise employing this
>>> methodology with
>>> GUI development though.
>>> If you really want a C# debugger, you could always use VMWare or
>>> Parallels on
>>> Mac OS X to run a Windows or Linux debugger on an as-needed basis, I
>>> suppose....
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Ed
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