[Mono-osx] error compiling Dumbarton

Jaume Llardén Prieto jllarden at aim.com
Fri Feb 23 17:42:06 EST 2007

Hello Marc,

I hope you could already solve the undefined symbol problem when  
compiling Dumbarton.

My solution was to add '-undefined dynamic_lookup' to the 'Other  
Linker Flags' in Xcode (using 2.4.1 here).

Somewhat unrelated, but may save someone some time: if using Mono  
version (and probably 1.2.3) you have to link /Library/ 
Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/ to  / 
Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/ for  
Dubarton to compile properly. Paths are different from previous  
versions, apparently. I downloaded Dumbarton from http:// 
www.imeem.com/developers.aspx (http://download.imeem.net/download/ 

Hope this helped.

Kind regards

> I need to link Dumbarton against the currently installed mono library
> version. Unfortunately I'm getting the following error:
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> _environ
> /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
> I just followed the instructions in the "BUILDING" file. So I set
> "place build products" path from the Dumbarton and the Judy project
> in the same path.
> Any ideas how to compile the Dumbarton project without errors ?
> regards,
> Marc

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