[Mono-list] Embedded API: calling explicit interface properties

Jonathan Mitchell jonathan at mugginsoft.com
Tue Jul 15 11:24:34 UTC 2014


I have a class that implements the following two interfaces and I am having trouble accessing explicit interface properties via the embedded API.
My unit tests fail (see below).

The explicit interface properties are found okay but the property assignment fails in a way which makes me think there is a parameter type problem.
Is there anything I should be aware of with regard to constructing the property access signature?
If I log the mono class method info it looks okay - again this is listed below.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    public interface IReferenceObject1 : IReferenceObjectBase
        int ExIntTestProperty { get; set; }
    public interface IReferenceObject2 : IReferenceObjectBase
        float ExIntTestProperty { get; set; }

    public class ReferenceObject : IReferenceObject1, IReferenceObject2
        // explicit interface properties
         * Here we have one property with 3 different return types
         * two of which should be accessible via explicit interface references
        public bool ExIntTestProperty { get; set; }
        float IReferenceObject2.ExIntTestProperty { get; set; }
        int IReferenceObject1.ExIntTestProperty { get; set; }

        // get interfaces
        public IReferenceObject1 ReferenceObject1 {
            get {
                return (IReferenceObject1)this;

        public IReferenceObject2 ReferenceObject2 {
            get {
                return (IReferenceObject2)this;

// MonoClass dump
// iterate over mono_class_get_methods

============== Mono Class Info ========================

2014-07-15 11:54:14.544 otest[4933:303] Class namespace : Dubrovnik.UnitTests
2014-07-15 11:54:14.545 otest[4933:303] Class name : IReferenceObject1
2014-07-15 11:54:14.545 otest[4933:303] Class type name : Dubrovnik.UnitTests.IReferenceObject1
2014-07-15 11:54:14.545 otest[4933:303] Method count : 2
2014-07-15 11:54:14.545 otest[4933:303] Method name: Dubrovnik.UnitTests.IReferenceObject1:get_ExIntTestProperty ()
2014-07-15 11:54:14.546 otest[4933:303] Method name: Dubrovnik.UnitTests.IReferenceObject1:set_ExIntTestProperty (int)
2014-07-15 11:54:14.546 otest[4933:303] Interface name: IReferenceObjectBase
2014-07-15 11:54:23.206 otest[4933:303] 

============== Mono Class Info ========================

2014-07-15 11:54:23.207 otest[4933:303] Class namespace : Dubrovnik.UnitTests
2014-07-15 11:54:23.207 otest[4933:303] Class name : IReferenceObject2
2014-07-15 11:54:23.208 otest[4933:303] Class type name : Dubrovnik.UnitTests.IReferenceObject2
2014-07-15 11:54:23.208 otest[4933:303] Method count : 2
2014-07-15 11:54:23.208 otest[4933:303] Method name: Dubrovnik.UnitTests.IReferenceObject2:get_ExIntTestProperty ()
2014-07-15 11:54:23.209 otest[4933:303] Method name: Dubrovnik.UnitTests.IReferenceObject2:set_ExIntTestProperty (single)
2014-07-15 11:54:23.210 otest[4933:303] Interface name: IReferenceObjectBase

Obj-C property accessors

// IReferenceObject1 returns Int

	// Managed property name : ExIntTestProperty
	// Managed property type : System.Int32
    @synthesize exIntTestProperty = _exIntTestProperty;
    - (int32_t)exIntTestProperty
		MonoObject *monoObject = [self getMonoProperty:"ExIntTestProperty"];
		_exIntTestProperty = DB_UNBOX_INT32(monoObject);

		return _exIntTestProperty;
    - (void)setExIntTestProperty:(int32_t)value
		_exIntTestProperty = value;
		MonoObject *monoObject = DB_VALUE(value);
		[self setMonoProperty:"ExIntTestProperty" valueObject:monoObject];

// IReferenceObject2 returns float

	// Managed property name : ExIntTestProperty
	// Managed property type : System.Single
    @synthesize exIntTestProperty = _exIntTestProperty;
    - (float)exIntTestProperty
		MonoObject *monoObject = [self getMonoProperty:"ExIntTestProperty"];
		_exIntTestProperty = DB_UNBOX_FLOAT(monoObject);

		return _exIntTestProperty;
    - (void)setExIntTestProperty:(float)value
		_exIntTestProperty = value;
		MonoObject *monoObject = DB_VALUE(value);
		[self setMonoProperty:"ExIntTestProperty" valueObject:monoObject];          

Obj-C unit test

    // query explicit interface implementation properties.
    // we should be able to access the same property with three different return types via the
    // original object and two explicit interface references.
    // BOOL
    BOOL boolValue = [(DBUReferenceObject *)refObject exIntTestProperty];   // cast need to silence type warning
    NSAssert(boolValue == YES, DBUEqualityTestFailed);
    // int
    Dubrovnik_UnitTests_IReferenceObject1 *refObject1 = [refObject referenceObject1];
    [refObject1 logMonoClassInfo];
    [refObject1 setExIntTestProperty:89467];
    int32_t intValue = [refObject1 exIntTestProperty];
#warning failing test code - return value is 123
    NSAssert(intValue == 89467, DBUEqualityTestFailed);
    // float
    Dubrovnik_UnitTests_IReferenceObject2 *refObject2 = [refObject referenceObject2];
    [refObject2 logMonoClassInfo];
    [refObject2 setExIntTestProperty:20202.f];
    float floatValue = [refObject2 exIntTestProperty];
#warning failing test code - return value is 0
    NSAssert(floatValue == 20202.f, DBUEqualityTestFailed);



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