[Mono-list] XML Serialization - difference between WinCLR and Mono runtime

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Sat May 25 18:12:48 UTC 2013

Dave Curylo wrote:
> On Friday, May 17, 2013, MarLOne wrote:
>     Sadly, the
>     XmlSerializer failed the test in which it did not generate the
>     InvalidOperationException and then same kind of complain that came
>     from
>     .Net's sgen when dealing with a class with non-public property
>     setter. Does
>     mono use sgen? But at least it should throw the exception when
>     dealing with
>     a class with non-public property setter.
> I believe sgen is the default GC in mono 3.

GC sgen has nothing to do with XML serializer sgen tool.

>     That means both mono and the shiny 3.0.11 both fails the
>     tests.
>     This kind of difference in runtime behaviour does not instil much
>     confidence
>     in Mono to implement cross-platform solution. I wonder how many
>     others in
>     this category?
> As for the expected InvalidOperationException, I think this is one 
> area that the mono maintainers seem to take liberty to deviate from MS 
> .NET behavior. I've logged a few bugs like this in the past where mono 
> does not throw an exception but MS does and they refuse to fix these 
> because it is likely to break people's working code. IMHO it would be 
> better to have compatibility as I think most people expect this when 
> coming from the Windows world.  I think most .NET developers that 
> start using mono probably have experience working in Windows and would 
> the same exceptions raised on either platform...devs want to be able 
> to take their code to any OS, including Windows.

I believe there actually wasn't such rejection to make XML Serializer 
compatible with .NET and break existing mono users compatibility.

You'll be welcomed to contribute such changes and someone in dev would 
take care.

Atsushi Eno

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