[Mono-list] Mono Project: Next Steps

Ian Norton inb at ncipher.com
Sun Jul 10 13:36:26 EDT 2011

Ive been able to build easily on ubuntu and debian from source, its the package area that is a little behind, that said, the experimentan debian mono 2.10 packages are pretty good
This may have been written using dictation software, please excuse any jibberish.

"Dale E. Moore" <daleemoore at gmail.com> wrote:

Miguel de Icaza <miguel <at> xamarin.com> writes:

> ... we’ve hired Alex Corrado, a very talented developer who’s created a new

> build system for Mono.  The good news is that we are making progress and we 

> are now able to build Linux and MacOS packages.

This is lovely. I do so hope that your new build system will make it easy for 

those in the Debian line to get recent packages. I'm still waiting on stuff 

that's been done a long time ago like xsp4/monodevelop/ASP.NET/MVC to run on

my Ubuntu machines.

Patrick McEvoy did a nice job on https://github.com/firegrass/mono-installer-

script (though there are problems;) perhaps Alex will benefit from Patrick's

hard work.

Good luck in the adventures with your new venture!

Dale E. Moore

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