[Mono-list] WCF NetPeerTcpBinding

Atsushi Eno atsushieno at veritas-vos-liberabit.com
Mon Jan 31 21:15:54 EST 2011

NetPeerTcp work was once done at very primitive level but didn't get 
much further and it got broken enough to get samples working. And it got 
out of our WCF work scope and no one works on it.
Your sample premises PNRP-based setup, which haven't had worked on mono 
at any time anyways (only custom peer service worked).

Atsushi Eno

(2011/01/23 2:33), technomage1972 wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get the NetPeerTcpBinding stuff working under mono 2.8?
> using code like the following
> NetPeerTcpBinding n2p2 = new NetPeerTcpBinding();
> n2p2.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;
> EndpointAddress ep = new EndpointAddress("net.p2p://mesh");
> syncClient = ChannelFactory<ISend>.CreateChannel(n2p2, ep);		
> syncService = new ServiceHost(typeof(Synchorniser));
> NetPeerTcpBinding n2p2 = new NetPeerTcpBinding();
> n2p2.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;
> syncService.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ISend), n2p2, "net.p2p://mesh");
> syncService.Credentials.Peer.MeshPassword = "boo";
> syncService.Open();
> results in a
> "An endpointaddress must be configured for this channel factory"
> error.
> Has anyone got a sample of this working?
> Dean

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