[Mono-list] Name of the CSharp Shell

Andrew Jorgensen ajorgensen at novell.com
Mon Sep 22 14:58:06 EDT 2008

I had also suggested (and still like) "mish".  It doesn't evoke the fact that it's a c# shell but it's a good short name and makes sense: Mono Interactive SHell.

>>> "David Anes" <david.anes at gmail.com> 09/22/08 6:37 AM >>>
Hi all.

What about...

* mish: for Google is "short for missionary, man on top, face to face".


2008/9/22 Enver ALTIN <ealtin at gmail.com>:
> imcs reminds me of some instant messaging blah, and I don't like the csi
> either for obvious reasons.
> I think following the tradition and adding the `sh` suffix is a really
> good idea because the thing by its nature targets unix-savvy people and
> not the Visual Studio community. And unix-savvy people know very well
> what a shell is good for.
> So yeah, I vote for Juan's second idea: csish. It has 701 hits on
> Google, I'm pretty sure a wiki page on go-mono.com will be #1 soon.
> On Sun, 2008-09-21 at 17:39 -0400, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
>>     The name of the C# shell today is `csharp', but this is awkward to
>> type, we have been considering renaming it, the options are:
>> * csi - stands for C# interactive
>>       Pros: short, cute, easy to remember.
>>       Cons: popular TV show.
>> * imcs - interactive Mono C# compiler
>>       Pros: similar to `gmcs' and `mcs'
>>       Cons: hard to figure out it exists.
> --
> Enver
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David "kraptor" Anes Alcolea
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