[Mono-list] About Mono installation in CentOS

Michał Ziemski rook at roo.k.pl
Wed Feb 27 11:36:52 EST 2008


I've had an analogous problem with FC4 install.
I use mono RHEL4 rpms
I used www.rpmfind.net to find the old libexif and libungif.
After installing these, everything went more or less smoothly.

Michał Ziemski

Roilan Cardoso Sánchez pisze:
> Hello everybody
> I'm trying to install Mono on my CentOS 5 but i coudn't
> Firstly i try using mono.repo for centos, but when it try to install 
> libgdiplus it throw an dependency error, coudn't find libexif.so.9 and 
> libungif.so.4
> Then i try with the .bin istalator and the throw the same error but 
> with libgailutil.so.17 and liblitz.so.1
> I try too, with the CentOS Extras reporsitory and the same but with 
> lifgif.so.4
> Finally I reinstall my system and from 0 y try with the CentOS GUI 
> installer in extras Mono, it works, but when i try to run an 
> application (GUI app) mono thow error coudn't find gdiplus.dll
> I really don't know what to do, please can any budy help me
> regards
> Roilan
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