[Mono-list] Slow Bugzilla Logins...

Thomas Wiest twiest at novell.com
Tue Apr 1 20:30:27 EDT 2008

Hey Guys,
    Awhile ago I complained (again) to the bugzilla / ichain teams about
the slowness of logging into Bugzilla. They said that they needed a
WireShark log of a slow login session in order to trouble shoot what was
going on. Unfortunately since it's sporadic, I haven't been able to
capture one yet. If any of you happen to capture one, I'll be more than
happy to forward it on to them.

    In the mean time, they gave me a suggestion that has seemed to help.
They suggested that I turn off TLS 1.0 support in FireFox. In FireFox on
Linux you can do this by going to Edit / Preferences / Advanced /
Encryption and unchecking the checkbox "Use TLS 1.0". Since I made this
change, I haven't seen any long pauses while logging into Novell Bugzilla.

I've added this to our Novell Bugzilla FAQ page here:


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