[Mono-list] IPC Scenario between a service and a web page

Vasili Sviridov vsviridov at exceede.com
Fri Nov 2 17:51:24 EDT 2007

Hello Robert,

Remoting is a possibility. Though i'd prefer something simpler... I just 
need to send a simple string message, no object passing, nothing too 

TCP/IP is a possibility too, but wouldn't that be a bit heavy-weight to 
open a tcp connection from a page request?
I guess I can keep one instance running in the Web Application instance 
to minimize the overhead...

I'll think about that, thanks.

Robert Jordan wrote:
> Vasili Sviridov wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a service which performs TCP/IP data exchange with multiple clients.
>> I also have a web page, on which I'd like to have a "ping" button, that 
>> should tell the service to send a certain packet to the client and 
>> return a response.
>> My question is - what's the best way to implement this?
>> I've found an implementation of named pipes by Ivan Latunov, but it 
>> looks like its windows only. Currently that's OK, but i know for sure 
>> that the project will be moved to linux entirely.
>> Is there an implementation that's lightweight and works on both runtimes?
> You could use .NET Remoting with IPC channels. That's .NET 2.0 only,
> though. See System.Runtime.Remoting.IpcChannel on MSDN.
> OTOH, since you already have a  TCP/IP service, why don't you access
> it via localhost?
> Robert

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