[Mono-list] Mono + VB.NET?

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Fri Jan 12 06:22:18 EST 2007

Jean-Marc FOISSIN wrote:
> I'am newby with mono and UBUNTU (1 month) and french... so excuse my
> english.
> I was trying to use a program using  System.Collections.Generic.Queue
> =>error

Which error?

> I downloaded the latest sources of mono
> reading them, no traces of .Queue or .Stack in System.Collections.Generic.

You're looking in the wrong place. They are implemented
in the System assembly.

> I'd did not find the "Howto" patch the program with the Queue.cs
> Stack.csproposed on the link above.

Since these classes exist in Mono, there is no need to patch


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