[Mono-list] running two different versions on mono on one box?

Marek Sieradzki marek.sieradzki at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 10:12:44 EDT 2006

On 10/25/06, ted leslie <tleslie at tcn.net> wrote:
> I have a need to keep one particular older version of mono on computer,
> because it's included in a system that I have deployed and need to
> support, and it not convenient to upgrade those environments at this
> time, but yet still update applications written against that older
> version of mono.
> But,
> I'd like to run the newest stable version too on my machine.
> Write now i do this by having a script, a pre-script/post-script
> that moves the mono binary, libs and /etc/mono to the version
> I want, runs the program, and then changes it back.
> There must be an easier way? to selectively run a mono app against
> a particular mono version, and do so with different versions on the
> same machine? I am thinking there is a set of environment variables?
> I can dig on it, but figuring someone can probably post there sol'n
> in 2 seconds.

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