[Mono-list] running two different versions on mono on one box?

Kornél Pál kornelpal at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 09:46:12 EDT 2006

Different versions of Mono or even multiple instances of the same version 
can be installed on different prefixes.

The easiest thing to do is to install multiple Mono versions to different 
locations and execute the mono binary you want to use. It will find it's own 
class library and GAC.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ted leslie" <tleslie at tcn.net>
To: <Mono-list at lists.ximian.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:28 PM
Subject: [Mono-list] running two different versions on mono on one box?

>I have a need to keep one particular older version of mono on computer,
> because it's included in a system that I have deployed and need to
> support, and it not convenient to upgrade those environments at this
> time, but yet still update applications written against that older
> version of mono.
> But,
> I'd like to run the newest stable version too on my machine.
> Write now i do this by having a script, a pre-script/post-script
> that moves the mono binary, libs and /etc/mono to the version
> I want, runs the program, and then changes it back.
> There must be an easier way? to selectively run a mono app against
> a particular mono version, and do so with different versions on the
> same machine? I am thinking there is a set of environment variables?
> I can dig on it, but figuring someone can probably post there sol'n
> in 2 seconds.
> -tl
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