[Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3

Robert Jordan robertj at gmx.net
Thu Jul 6 11:21:03 EDT 2006

gnuplot post wrote:
> On 7/6/06, Robert Jordan <robertj at gmx.net> wrote:
>>> Is such a behaviour correct ? (aka  was mcs designed like this ?)
>> It's not MCS. Mono (and so *all* managed apps) needs the .wapi folder
>> to be able to simulate the Win32-API.
>  Are you saying that .wapi directory is needed but it does not matter
> where it is.  It is not needed by others (other users) and  it is
> needed only by the local user. How much am I  off the mark ?

Every user that runs mono needs .wapi. You could for example
set up /tmp/wapi_$USER using a logon script that you place
in /etc/profile.d/, something like that:

#	/etc/profile.d/mono-wapi.sh


>>> Short description of our LAN:
>>> - one server  running NIS, samba and exporting /home  /usr/local
>>> - 25 lab workstations exporting /proj , automounting /home and /usr/local
>>> - 'madril' is exception.  It has its own /usr/local and automounts /home
>> We are using NFS for our homes and it works. I don't think
>> that .wapi was ever tested with a samba share.
> no no no... We are __not__ using samba share for /home.  I am just
> saying that that samba, on the main server,  is serving MS windows
> users with all 25 lab workstations (/proj and /home/$USER).  /home is
> NFS mounted on lab workstations

I don't want to nitpick, but you said:
"one server  running NIS, samba and exporting /home" :-)

The problems are probably related to nlockmgr, the NFS locking
manager. We don't use it.


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