[Mono-list] Learning mono...chapter 3

Clark Endrizzi cendrizzi at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 14:59:29 EST 2006

I've used your program Salvatore and I have the following comments
1.  The program name (first field on the first step) , won't let you
have spaces etc (looks like it's used for the file name or something).
 This wasn't clear and so it wasn't working for me, so I ran it from
the command line and saw the error output that helped me come to this
conclusion.  Perhaps better validation is in order?
1.  Selecting where to put the deb would be nice.  It's not obvious
that I should look in my home folder.
2.  The writing on the top should say "steps" not "step" (I know that
is nitpicky)
3.  In a future version it would be cool if you could simplify the
application requirement step since I have no idea what to put there as
I don't know how to create debs (I figure you kind of want this for
people who don't need to know that).

I know you said it basically your program to learn mono so my comments
are probably pretty dumb but I know I will want feedback on my
application so I hoped it would be helpful.


On 1/10/06, Salvatore Scarciglia <s.scarciglia at hyperphar.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> happy new year to all the users of the list !!
> To learn more about mono and .NET framework and to simplify my job, I have
> developed a little application to create a deb package from my mono application
> output.
> It simply uses the following inputs:
> - link to compiled application (the "exe" file)
> - an optional link to an icon for my app
> - minimal application's info
> and generate in output a DEB package able to install my application and create
> a launcher in the menu for it (the package of this application, called "monodeb
> express edition", is generated with the application itself and can be
> donwloaded at my web site. See signature.) with the provided icon.
> In the future I'd like to develop an "Advanced edition" to support all the
> features of the apt package system and also create an AddIn for MonoDevelop to
> make the tool available inside the IDE.
> I hope this can be useful for some of you. As soon as possible also the source
> code will be available.
> Bye
> Salvatore ---------------------<|
> LAAS --------------------------<|
> http:;//laas.altervista.org ---<|
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-Clark Endrizzi

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