[Mono-list] Re: [Portaudio] Audio file access

Cristian Draghici cristian.draghici at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 01:58:12 EDT 2006

Hi Aaron

Did you try libsndfile? (http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/)
It's licensed under LGPL.

Regarding your rant below, I'm on OS X and the high level API (cocoa)
is just as bad when you want to do anything more than play a sound.

Maybe you'd want the text to speech system not to synthesize on the speakers?
Oh - you have quicktime and function prototypes that are written in
pascal 10 years ago. oh boy.

Cristian Draghici

On 4/12/06, Aaron Oxford <aaron at hardwarehookups.com.au> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Can anyone point me towards a half-decent, object-oriented, open-source audio file API, preferably
> for C#? A binding to some reasonably well-maintained library would be fine, OO code that I can
> modify and into the project would be better. At a minimum, I want PCM WAV support - any support
> for compressed or u-Law type formats is a bonus at this stage (although if it's just uncompressed
> WAV files I can read those myself).
> Micro$oft just can't understand that some people want to access the contents of the file, not just
> play it using DirectX or Windows Media. :-( Its just crazy that .NET can load and play AVI files
> on screen with seeking controls etc. using three lines of code, but doesn't give the programmer
> access to the streams or any functionality lower than this (in Windows Media for instance, you
> cannot even get a stream length). Why do programming languages always provide high-level
> functionality that is special purpose and not backed up by the lower level stuff you sometimes
> (always) need?
> Anyway I'll quit bitching into your inboxes. Thanks in advance for any help.
> --
> Aaron Oxford
> Partner, Innovative Computer Solutions
> Developer, SourceForge project 'Violet Composer'
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