[Mono-list] How Deploy my custom version of MCS

Miguel de Icaza miguel at ximian.com
Sat Oct 15 12:32:22 EDT 2005


> I have worked madeing some modications in MCS. With
> this modifications I have added some AOP support to
> C#. For exemple now "my" C# has AFTER, BEFORE,
> POINTCUT, AROUND keyswords.

Ah, very nice!

> I want to deploy it as an open source project. What
> licence I need to folow? LGPL (as MCS)? 


> This project will be release with all sources and
> binaries. And I would like to receive contributions
> from community and I woruld like that comercial
> projects fell free to use it. 

They are able to build applications with it.  The only commercial use
that is not allowed is the use of MCS  as an embedded compiler in an IDE
or something like that.  In that case, they need to obtain a commercial
license from Novell first (and then one with you).


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