[Mono-list] development environment for mono

Hubert FONGARNAND informatique.internet@fiducial.fr
Wed, 11 May 2005 09:08:25 +0200

Le Lundi 09 Mai 2005 12:45, Xoen a =E9crit=A0:
> monomail@huntington-bradley.com wrote:
> >Which development environments do people who develop for Mono on Linux=

> > use?  I did have a pretty hard time getting the Mono core, xsp, and
> > Monodoc installed (like I said, I'm a newbie--but learning fast).  I'=
m a
> > little spooked by the thought of installing Monodevelop and some of i=
> > dependencies from svn, but I'm wiiling to give it a go if Monodevelop=
> > is really useable to get real work done.  Is that the case?

> I've tried MonoDevelop 0.6, In my opinion is really unstable...crashes
> too and maybe is not usabel...but many people say that it works VERY
> good, so maybe the problem is mine.
In my case, MonoDevelop is usable, if you don't use code completion...
Sometimes, it crashes, when you type <alt><enter> for code completion...
> If MD works for you, it's GREAT, expecially the code completition,
> that's very useful to learn very fast, IMHO.
> (Good works MD developers ;) )
> <installation>
> If you learn fast you can try Gentoo (www.gentoo.org), many of the mono=

> stuff is already in the portage tree.
> </installation>
> Bye, good development ;)
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