[Mono-list] Problem with Oracle and Mono Charset...

Hubert FONGARNAND hubertf-1@altern.org
Tue, 1 Mar 2005 11:05:41 +0100

I'm interested in implement connection pooling on oracle...
I just need some info about creating dllimport functions....

The C function is :
	OCIOCIConnectionPoolCreate((OCIEnv *)envhp,
                   (OCIError *)errhp, (OCICPool *)poolhp,
                   &poolName, &poolNameLen,
                   (text *)database,strlen(database),
                   (ub4) conMin, (ub4) conMax, (ub4) conIncr,
                   (text *)pooluser,strlen(pooluser),
                   (text *)poolpasswd,strlen(poolpasswd),

i've began :

			[DllImport ("oci")]
			internal static extern int OCIConnectionPoolCreate(IntPtr envhp,
				IntPtr errhp, IntPtr poolhp, ...

But i don't know wich datatype to use...		=09

Le Lundi 28 F=E9vrier 2005 13:55, Daniel Morgan a =E9crit=A0:
> Sure, you can implement.  We accept patches.
> You could look at System.Data.SqlClient on how it does connection pooli=
> Another way is to use some OCI functions for connection pooling.  So,
> you might have to create DllImport functions for these OCI functions.
> Oracle 9i Call Interface Programmer's Guide
> http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/appdev.920/a96584/oci=
> OCIConnectionPoolCreate
> OCIConnectionPoolDestroy
> Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
> >Thank you for your fix... It works now without any problems...
> >Just a question, do you plan to implement connection pooling on oracle=

> > client classes. I've seen that dealing with oracle database works wel=
> > with mono (now) but it's much more slower than MS.NET when you open a=
> > close many connections... Is there a way to speed up this process.
> >I'm ready to help you implementing this, if you need...
> >
> >Le Samedi 26 F=E9vrier 2005 05:38, vous avez =E9crit :
> >>I recently committed a fix to svn trunk HEAD for strings in
> >>OracleParameter to use OCIUnicodeToCharSet for Oracle data types date=
> >>CLOBs, VARCHAR2/CHAR, etc...
> >>
> >>Can you try your tests again to see if they work now?  I do not know
> >>French to test the changes.  :-)
> >>
> >>Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
> >>>Thanks to Daniel Morgan
> >>>DataTime and OracleDateTime works now perfectly. There's still a pro=
> >>>with charset.When my NLS_LANG variable isn't set (on my mono client)=
> >>>french "=E9=E8" are seen as "??" in the database (MS.NET client see =
> >>>The only way to display the "=E9=E8" correctly is to set my NLS_LANG=
 to :
> >>>NLS_LANG=3D"FRENCH_FRANCE.UTF8" (but normally, the client should ada=
> >>>itself to the server settings)
> >>>but there's still a problem with string length. eg: when I do an
> >>> "INSERT" with a string with some "=E9=E8" the string is "cut" by or=
acle, so
> >>> I can not see the entire string in the database...
> _______________________________________________
> Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com
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